Get Involved
LITURGICAL MINISTRIESHelp prepare for and serve the Lord in Holy Mass, the source and summit of our faith.
ALTAR SERVERSWe are excited to bring back our altar serving ministry to assist during weekend masses and are looking for anyone interested. Altar servers must have received their First Penance and Holy Communion.
Contact Person: Theresa Kuberski [email protected] CUB SCOUT PACK 129Cub Scout Pack 129 meets on Monday nights from 6:30-7:30, four times per month. The program offers fun and challenging activities, that promote character development and physical fitness for boys and girls grades K-5. Some of our activities have included Flag Ceremonies, Pinewood Derby, Summer and Fall Camping, family events, popcorn sale fundraisers as well as taking part in community service. We are associated with Greater Niagara Frontier Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Committee Chair Person: Kelly Betschen 716-400-3723 Cub Master: Mark Sage DAISY TROOP 31415
Girl Scout Daisy Troop 31415 meets at OLP monthly on Wednesday evenings. Contact Troop leader Alicia at [email protected] for more info.
HOLY NAME SOCIETYThe Holy Name Society strives to promote respect, honor and love of the most Holy Name of Jesus. We are involved in and endeavor to better Parish life. All men 18 years and older are welcome to join us.
To join, please contact Joe Cianciosa at [email protected] HOLY ROSARY SOCIETY Monthly meetings, a Christmas party
and other entertaining events are part of the Society's calendar. New members are always welcome! Contact person - Donna Walker [email protected] QUO VADIS
Quo Vadis educates and encourages men to defend the Family and Church by using Truth, Goodness and Beauty, fortified with Prayer and Virtue. Monthly meetings. Join us, as together we will become the best Catholic men possible. Contact via email: [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRYHelp teach and guide the next generation of disciples.
Contact the Parish office |
BINGOBingo revenues are a major source of financial support for our Parish. Parishioners who can give some time to help can volunteer as bingo workers; serving usually once a month.
Contact person - Mary Atlas [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRIESCan you sing or play an instrument? Use your talents to enrich our worship and deepen your own faith.
Contact Person: Mary Palmer [email protected] SERVICE AND OUTREACHFind ways to share the love of Christ with those in and outside our Parish.
RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEEDefend the most vulnerable as a witness to God's love for all people.
Contact Person: Chuck Palmeri [email protected] |