Pastoral Administration
TrusteesThere are two trustees appointed in each Catholic Parish, as required by both civil and ecclesiastical law. The trustees are nominated by the Pastor of the Parish and confirmed by the appointment of the Bishop of the Diocese. In concert with the Bishop, Vicar General, and the Pastor, the two Parish trustees serve as officers of the corporate structure of the Parish.
Our current trustees are Darryl Horn and Annette Wargo. Offertory Collection CountersA dedicated group of volunteer parishioners, approved by the Pastor, who process the stewardship offertory collection on a weekly basis.
Contact Mary Atlas at (716) 683-6522 ext. 104 . |
Finance Advisory CommitteeThe Finance Advisory Committee is responsible for advising the Pastor/Parish Administrator on all matters related to, but not limited to, budgeting, allocation of resources and fundraising.
As the size and responsibilities of Our Lady of Pompeii have grown, the need to structure Parish finances with financial controls has become necessary. This group draws on basic financial accounting principles to create a budget, to discuss the revenue stream and act as a sounding board to financial concerns of the Parish. This committee is open to any member of the Parish who has an interest or background in finance and would be willing to give his/her skills and time for this important Parish concern. Current Finance Advisory Committee Members Contact Mary Atlas at (716) 683-6522 ext. 104. Virtus - Protecting God's ChildrenAn essential part of the mission of the Church is the promotion and protection of the rights and dignity of all people. Christian principles dictate that we have a special concern for those who are most vulnerable and those who cannot fully care for themselves.
Our Lady of Pompeii participates in the Diocesan Safe Environment Program. Contact/Coordinator is Sr. Joyce King, CSSF at (716) 683-6522 ext. 103. |