Donate to Our Lady of Pompeii Parish online.
We appreciate your financial support and prayers!
We appreciate your financial support and prayers!
As we all know, the Road to Renewal and the forming of our Family of Parishes will bring changes in the future. In order to ensure that your weekly contribution goes to support OLP, we ask that you consider using one of the following three options:
1. Enroll in online giving. Simply sign up with an email. You can customize the withdrawal to your specific amount and time frame.
2. Drop your envelope in the Sunday collection or in the drop box left of the Parish Office door.
3. If you attend Mass at another parish, please write a check made out to Our Lady of Pompeii so that it is deposited into OLP Church Account. (Cash can be separated from your envelope during the counting process which makes it difficult to identify the donor/your intended parish.)
Please call the office if you have any questions. We appreciate your generosity and understanding as we manage these changes.
1. Enroll in online giving. Simply sign up with an email. You can customize the withdrawal to your specific amount and time frame.
2. Drop your envelope in the Sunday collection or in the drop box left of the Parish Office door.
3. If you attend Mass at another parish, please write a check made out to Our Lady of Pompeii so that it is deposited into OLP Church Account. (Cash can be separated from your envelope during the counting process which makes it difficult to identify the donor/your intended parish.)
Please call the office if you have any questions. We appreciate your generosity and understanding as we manage these changes.